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Internet Wrestling Connection. To some it’s just a name, to David Quinn, it’s a life long dream come true.

IWC: What made you want to start the Internet Wrestling Connection?
Quinn: I’d have to say my dream of one day owning my company began about seven years ago. I was working for a company called Platinum Wrestling. I did everything I possibly could for that company. The owner and I got in to big disputes over things, and I just figured if I knew I could do things better, why don’t I?
IWC: What sort of things did you two argue over?
Quinn: The way the company should be run. He wanted to move too quickly with things. He was already talking multiple big events a month, cross promotions, tournaments for every championship belt, which is great. It’s a great thing to have ambition, and goals when you’re involved in e-wrestling. However, the company, PTW, was a mere month or two old. We had not established ourselves yet. I knew that we needed to establish ourselves, make our mark, however small, before we could venture out and do all of these things.
IWC: A lot of people have already commented on how different IWC is. What do you have to say to them?
Quinn: Thanks for noticing (He laughs). No in all seriousness, thank you for noticing IWC. There are thousands, millions of e-feds on the internet, for the Internet Wrestling Connection to spark talk in its dawning days, it really is a compliment. And we are different, we plan to be. We’re not the only game in town playing the game we do. We focus on entertainment, as well as skill. Can I say we’re the best? No, I have no right to. I can however promise that we’re going to be better than most. The best, that’s for the people to decide.
IWC: The company has only just begun accepting applications. What type of workers do you hope to attract?
Quinn: Dedicated, as well as talented, interesting characters, characters that need their stories to be told. We currently require a sample promo, though I want to make it known right now that unless the worker is barely able to put a sentence together, I’m going to offer him a contract. The flood gates are open. Why? Because, it goes back to the way PTW was poorly run. We are in no position yet to call people untalented. If some are less talented than others, than it’s my goal to make them the best workers they can be. I want them to learn from the veterans.
IWC: It was recently announced that the IWC would be holding events at the Suffolk Community Center.
Quinn: (Laughs) Yeah, that’s something that surprised a lot of people. Foolishly people believed that we’d be selling out Madison Square Garden, week one. Who are they kidding? Or better yet, what investors do they know? Can I have their numbers? Like I’d said in past interviews, we’re lucky to sell out a bingo hall. Do we have the talent to? Eventually. Do we have the name recognition of IWC? Not yet. One day.


Internet Wrestling Connection